RC meeting and Run Plan, Tuesday January 25th

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RC Meeting Information

Run Coordinator: Caryn Palatchi

Time: 3:15 pm

Remote connection link: https://jlab-org.zoomgov.com/s/1619032184

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Upcoming Shifts Which Need Filled

URGENT: Shifts February need help - only 1 opening remaining

Accelerator and Hall Status

  • Controlled Access - SBS - 8

Run Plan

  • We are following the run plan for SBS 8 https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/3974004
  • while beam was down for Bpass change, cosmics taken for SBS50%, 100%
  • wrapped up SBS70% LH2,LD2, dummy last night (beam was spotty during OWL)
  • Today, Tuesday 7:45am, the beam be shut off for beam studies.
  • dropped the hall to controlled access Tuesday morning and will remain in controlled access through Wednesday morning
    • In progress: Jack - opportunity to further examine the SBS spikes (+Ellen+Heidi)
    • Done: 1-2 folks from Jesse's team cursory check 30min + Chris ~10min
    • Done: Radcon survey the ted BB DAQ
    • Done:collaboration remove ted BB DAQ from the hall for diagnostics.
    • In progress: Maria and Todd - turn on some HV's, coordinate with SBS work
  • Beam studies are expected to wrap up Wednesday mid-late DAY shift (~noon-4pm). But today some hot spots were found in NL, SL. Once beam back, not physics beam right away, need some of the higher-pass beams for hotspot investigation. *hope* that this investigation can be accomplished in ~4 hours, and they put a 4 hour cutoff to back out.
    • NOTE: OPS may wish to put beam into the hall at higher energy than usual and dump the beam in halla as part of hot spot investigation... issues?
  • Shift Leader shift for Wed 1/26 DAY can come in later in the day *standby*. However, TO shift remains in place.

This week's Run Plan

SBS-8 Long term plan

Resolved Issues

Unresolved Issues

  • SBS Magnet Spikes hereJack's Entry
  • ted BB DAQ issue
  • Question: Percentage of total scheduled experiment hours to date?

Subsystem Updates

  • Beamline:
  • DAQ general
  • HCal
  • BBCal
  • Timing Hodoscope
  • GEMS
  • Replay analysis