RC meeting and Run Plan, Wednesday April 19th
From SBS wiki
RC Meeting Information
RC: Jimmy Caylor
Useful Links
Current Status
On the accelerator side:
--> Beam delivery is good when we take it
--> Asked
On the Hall side:
--> Completed detector checkout
--> Took Hall-GEM alignment data overnight
--> LH2/D2 elastics data until morning
--> Hall sweep was completed just before 9 am
--> Techs quickly inserted the steel analyzer
--> Alex checked on DAQ and Jiwan on coin trigger window
--> Currently GEMs are turned off with issue with gas mixture. Need to wait for new mixture to stabilize until turning GEMs on with beam. Multi-hour process
Current Run Plan
- What to do with no GEMs for at least a few hours
--> BCM calibration?
Notices in Effect for Shift Crew
- For controlled access call the RC and together you will fill out the Hall access checklist. [1]
- Please pay attention to BTM, incorrect accounting is happening. also make sure to submit all hours, including the last one.
- Please fill out the shift checklist and notify RC if there are any issues
Current Issues
- GEM gas mixture needed changing
Planned Accesses to the Hall
- Shielding Bricks - opportunistic
Special Requests
- SBS and BB magnets
- BB Grinch - https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/4282816
- BB Cal - Happy with 1.2 GeV threshold for production?
- BB scin - https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/4282910
- SBS GEMs - Changing GEM gas, could be responsible for dead sectors? https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/4283427
- SBS analyzer + RP hodo
- SBS HCAL - Coin window delay added and window changed
- Analysis
- Target - Sometimes does not want to move right to LH2, need to stop at carbon hole and then go
- Beam line
- Moller
- Raster