RC meeting and Run Plan, Wednesday May 1st

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RC Meeting Information

Current RC: Iuliia Skorodumina

RC Daily Meetings are at 3:30 (pm) via Zoom and in person in the counting house meeting room (2nd floor)

Useful Links


We were taking data overnight without major issues. We ran at 10 uA on LD2 and 15 uA on LH2 (one run per shift) with BBCal threshold set to -350 mV and HCal threshold set to -10 mV.

Today is a Maintenance Day. See https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/4293542 for the planned accelerator work. Beam studies are also possible today. According to the current plan, beam in the machine is expected in early Swing and beam restoration to the Halls in mid Swing.

Hall A is in Restricted access now. We plan to stay in Restricted access towards the end of Day shift. A lot of work is planned in the Hall today.

Day shift summary (https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/4292778).

Swing shift summary (https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/4293086).

Owl shift summary (https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/4293382).

We will have our daily 3:30 pm RC meeting on the 2nd floor of the counting house and on zoom.

Planned Access to the Hall

On Wednesday (05/01) we plan to put the Hall in Restricted access during the Maintenance day. This is to bring in a large enclosure for the ECal for doing some cosmic test (Jimmy Caylor, Simona, and Donald) and also to bring out some material to be used in making the Gep SBS GEM detector.

Other work planned in the Hall for Wednesday (05/01):

  • GEM work (Holly).
  • Hodoscope discriminator replacement + amplifier installation + magnet shielding installation (Bill Henry).
  • Heidi wants to go to the Hall.


  • Today (05/01) is a Maintenance day. See https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/4293542 for planned accelerator work. Beam studies are also possible today. According to the current plan, beam in the machine is expected in early Swing and beam restoration to the Halls in mid Swing.

Current Run Plan

We did a few tests over the weekend to better understand changes in the inclusive elastic yield depending on the BBCal and HCal thresholds. Based on these studies, we set the BBCal threshold at -350 mV and HCal threshold at -10 mV for now. The beam current is 10 uA for production on LD2.

We also need to take a 1-hour run on LH2 with the production settings once per shift at 15 uA.

See also Experiment run plans.

Current Issues

Future plans

  • Today (05/01) is a Maintenance day. See https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/4293542 for planned accelerator work.
  • On Wednesday (05/01) we plan to put the Hall in Restricted access during the Maintenance day. This is to bring in a large enclosure for the ECal for doing some cosmic test (Jimmy Caylor, Simona, and Donald) and also to bring out some material to be used in making the Gep SBS GEM detector. There will be other work done in the hall, too (Holly, Bill Henry, Heidi).
  • MCC does not plan any major beam changes up until May 14th.