February 25, 2022
From SBS wiki
Back to main analysis meeting page
- Introduction of new organization and standing agenda of meeting, preliminary assignments of GMN analysis tasks. Slides
- BCM calibration update (David Flay): Slides
Notable discussion/action items:
- Declare independence from "standard" JLab software environments. Set up our own ROOT, analyzer, and SBS-offline in the group disk area that we control and maintain.
- Set a deadline within a few weeks from today to freeze the "release/version number" of SBS-offline and SBS-replay for first mass cooking of the data
- Prioritize first mass cooking of the data over having "perfect" calibrations and analysis code--some of this can proceed in parallel. Having all of the data replayed in a first pass allows students to learn while "final" code and database are developed in parallel.
- Students should also become familiar with Monte Carlo simulation. Event generators for GMN analysis need work. Radiative corrections, deuteron model, Fermi-smearing, binding effects, etc. See what physics content we can re-use/re-implement from SIMC and other "standard" Monte Carlo tools in use around JLab.