GEn analysis meeting

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GEn-II Analysis Meetings

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Meeting Pages


January February March April May June July August September October November December
13th, 20th, 27th 4th, 11th, 18th


January February March April May June July August September October November December
8th, 22nd 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd

Desired Talks for Future Meetings

  1. GEA calculations (Misak Sargsian)
  2. Optics for GEn-II (Holly Szumila-Vance)
  3. Details on timing and coincidence triggers (Jiwan Poudel)
    1. We want a trigger timing diagram.
  4. Live time calculations and DAQ efficiency corrections (Alexandre Camsonne)
  5. More suggestions?

Helpful Links for SBS Analysis

Links to Useful Git Repositories

  • SBS-replay Detector DB files, replay scripts, QA plot scripts, online monitoring plot configs, etc for SBS.
  • jlab-HPC Contains machinery to run simulation, digitization, & reconstruction jobs on JLab batch farm (or ifarm) with ease.
  • SBS-ANA Standalone Beam related calibration and analysis framework.
  • HCal_replay Standalone HCAL calibration and analysis framework.
  • SBSGEM_standalone Standalone GEM analysis framework. The machinery has been migrated to SBS-offline.