Main Page
RC phone: 757-876-1787 |
GMn Contact Information |
Subsystem Expert Contact Info |
Hall A Phone Book |
SBS Shifters Wiki Info |
Shift Schedule |
Documentation |
HOW TOs for shift crew |
Expert Tools |
Welcome to the SBS Shifters Wiki!
The purpose of this Wiki is to organize information relevant to the running experiment and is intended to be the "one stop shop" for all things shift-related. This includes things like run plans, shift sign up, safety, How Tos, important links, concise documentation of equipment (single page of key information for a subsystem encouraged) as well as trouble-shooting and data quality information. Information not directly relevant to shifters should be stored elsewhere such as the SuperBigBite Wiki. For more information, see the GMn webpage or the SBS website.
SBS Shift Information
Run Plans
Daily RC Meetings
Time: Daily at 3:15pm Location: Counting house conference room
BlueJeans calling instructions: Toll-Free Number (U.S.& Canada): 888-240-2560 International toll number: 408-740-7256 Bluejeans CODE: 256 205 934 Bluejeans link:
"Useful" links
if you need it, here is a link to the old wiki
PS: please if you have important info in there, please integrate it (or at a minimum link it) to the new wiki