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Revision as of 09:56, 22 March 2024

RC phone: 757-876-1787
Security Guards: 757-269-5822
Subsystem Expert Contact Info
SBS Contact Information
Hall A Phone Book
SBS Shifters Wiki Info
Shift Schedule
HOW TOs for shift crew
Expert Tools
Daily RC Meetings/Run Plan

Welcome to the SBS Shifters Wiki!

The purpose of this Wiki is to organize information relevant to the running experiment and is intended to be the "one stop shop" for all things shift-related. This includes things like run plans, shift sign up, safety, How Tos, important links, concise documentation of equipment (single page of key information for a subsystem encouraged) as well as trouble-shooting and data quality information. Information not directly relevant to shifters should be stored elsewhere such as the SuperBigBite Wiki. For more information, see the GEn webpage or the SBS website.

SBS Shift Information

If you are on shift and the DAQ is not working, go to Fixing the SBS DAQ

GEn Physics

The GEn experiment is determining the electric form factor of the neutron to high Q2 by measuring the ratio of the electric form factor of the neutron to proton via recoil polarimetry. The planned kinematic points have changed slightly from the original proposal; however, the impact of these measurements remains intact. The new kinematics are shown Figure 1 along with the expected uncertainty compared to the originally proposed kinematics. These error bars include current estimate of target and datector performance.

Figure 1. Expected results of GEn at the planned kinematics along with projected uncertainties.

Large Scope Run Plans

GEn Detailed Run Plan (PDF)

GEn Kinematics Spreadsheet (Excel)

The proposed kinematic points for GEn are given here in Figures 2-4.

Figure 2. Details for Q2=2.9 GeV2
Figure 3. Details for Q2=6.6 GeV2
Figure 4. Details for Q2=9.7 GeV2

GMn Run Plans(old)

Daily Run Plans

Daily run plans are linked to the calendar for the Daily RC Meetings Page

 Time: Daily at 3:30pm
 Location:   Counting house conference room
 Zoom information to join remotely

GMn Daily RC Meetings and Run Plans(old)

SBS Software/Analysis information

SBS Software/GMN analysis meeting agendas and minutes

Student Analysis

How to investigate helicity analysis issues

Useful links

If you need it, here is a link to the old wiki

Here is the SBS DAQ Meeting page in the old wiki.

GeN safety documentation: [1]

Conference Talks

If a student would like to give a talk at a conference, email the relevant spokespeople before submitting an abstract.