HallA Calorimeter
From SBS wiki
Information regarding the BBCAL and HCAL of Hall A are updated here regularly. Click on the tabs below to get details of various components.
- Meetings
- Meeting Agenda
- Calorimeter Documents
- Coincidence Trigger
- Calorimeter Work (eLog)
- Replay/Analysis/Software
- HallA/SBS Links
Weekly Meeting
Topic: Hall A Calorimeter (HCAL+BBCAL) joint meeting
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2022 (Joint HCAL+BBCAL meeting)
HCAL Previous Reports/Updates and Layout
- July 13
- BBCAL Updates by Arun
- HCAL (rollover and double peak) Updates by Jiwan
- July 20 (No meeting)
- July 27
- August 3 (No meeting)
- August 10
- August 17
- BBCAL and HCAL Updates
- Updated Replay of GMN data by Sebastian
- August 24
- BBCAL and HCAL Updates
- August 31
- BBCAL and HCAL Updates
- Cosmic TDC/ADCt Timing by Sebastian
- September 7 No meeting
- September 14
- September 21
- BBCAL and HCAL Updates
BBCAL Documents and Links
- Procedure Wise How-To for BBCAL
- BBCAL details in SBS wiki (latest)
- BBCAL Docs (BBCAL Cable and HV mapping)
- BBCal HV Controls
- Remote Power Cycling (HV Crate), Remote Power Cycling (VXS Crate),
- BBCAL details in SuperBigBite wiki
- Accessing BBCAL HV archive
- Threshold Conversion Factors & BBCAL HV File Names for GEN-II
HCAL Documents and Links
- Updated HCAL Document in Overleaf (Pdf)
- HCAL details in SBS wiki (latest)
- HCAL details in SuperBigBite wiki
- HCal Mapping
- Manual of devices
- Accessing HCAL HV archive, HV RPI rebooting, SBS EPICS and RPI, Details of Lecroy HV Mainframe Controls
- f1TDC Manual V1.1, f1TDC Manual V1.2, latest update
- HCAL Trigger DAQ Bunker
- Link to some old files
- Triggers in scope (available in hall network):
Scope address: BBCAL trigger before coincidence --> Ch1 HCAL trigger before coincidence --> Ch2 Coincidence of BBCAL and HCAL --> Ch3 L1A trigger --> Ch4
- Trigger Timing to TDC 1190 (changed for GEn experiment)
BBtrig[0] 1190 chan 122 HCAL BBtrig[1] 1190 chan 123 Coincidence (previously BBCAL low) BBtrig[2] 1190 chan 124 BBCAL HI (previously BBCAL low vetoed by BBCAL Hi) BBtrig[3] 1190 chan 125 EDTM pulser signal BBtrig[4] 1190 chan 126 RF time BBtrig[5] 1190 chan 127 BBCAL HI Fast (main BBCAL trigger)
Calorimeter logs
Github repository of required softwares
GMN Analysis